Solar Electric Photovoltaic

Living in Florida gives homeowners the ability to reduce energy costs with the installation of photovoltaic solar panels (also known as Solar Electric PV). iQ Power has been helping homeowners throughout the State of Florida with the installation of high-quality and efficient photovoltaic solar panels. With the cost of electricity continually climbing, it is wise to invest in solar energy solutions.

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It is estimated that utility costs are going to continue to rise at a rate of 10% a year for the next 10 years. If you are currently paying $200 a month for the electricity in your Florida home, you could be paying as much as $730 a month in 10 years! With the many rebates and tax credits available, your installation costs will be minimal!

The photovoltaic solar panel installers at iQPower will come to your Florida home and professionally install and integrate them into your electrical system. Our installation procedure includes getting all of the proper permits from local municipalities and the interconnect agreements from your energy provider. The power you generate can either be used to power your home or flow back to the national grid — selling it back to the electric company.

Take control of your Florida home’s electrical expenses with a new photovoltaic solar panel system from iQPower. With Solar Electric PV, you become your own energy company.